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This is class 6 ,chapter-6, Major landforms of the Earth (part-1), Chhattisgarh board & NCERT, Explanation with Geography ppt . This is useful for teachers and student's also B.Ed. students RSSU. In this video Explain landforms, forming process of landforms, and mountain ; formation, types of mountain, useful of mountain.
in this video explanation of the chapter (part -1)

I will try to available explanation of part -2 soon .
PPT of this chapter available in Google drive and also slideshare. Link given below: Google drive link- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HdL95x-SEMVr40Fzb5-FCLVf9EPmiI-u/view?usp=drivesdk Slideshare link - https://www.slideshare.net/PoonamMudaliar/ppt-of-ch6-class6-geography-major-landforms-of-the-earth This ppt useful for teachers for teaching and B.Ed students; who want to summit assignments of b.ed. parcticums. Thank you 🙏🙏✍✍✍ Plz comment in comment box Like share and subscribe. 👍👍🌐🌐

teachers & students Related another Post See in our blog teacherabreath.blogspot.com

यह प्रयास आपको कैसा लगा जरूर बतायें आप के सुझाव सदैव आमंत्रित है । आपकी आवश्यकता अनुरूप PPT उपलब्ध करने की इच्छा है तो यूटयूब चैनल पर या यहाँ comment box में बतायें।
Have a good day 😊